Title: Mezameru to Itoko o Mamoru Bishoujo Kenshi ni Natteita
Original title: 目覚めると従姉妹を護る美少女剣士になっていた
Alias: When I Woke Up, I'd Become a Pretty Swordswoman Who Protects My Cousin
Release date: 2013-01-25
English release date: 2021-06-06
Developer: mille-feuille
Publisher: Espeon & Jumi (fan-patch)
When I started playing the visual novel, called "When I Woke Up, I'd Become a Pretty Swordswoman Who Protects My Cousin", I had no idea it's actually a literary adaptation of an existing light novel series, published between 2011 and 2015. Well, I say adaptation, but I have no idea if the game actually follows the story beats of the novels, or if it's an original story set in the same setting. Anyway, after finishing the game, I have to proclaim it a masterpiece... because these days you can throw feces at a blank page of paper and call it a masterpiece.