And here is the walkthrough for an OELVN Hierofanía. I wrote it, because there was no available walkthrough on the Internet.
What's your name?
Keep quiet
Ask Douglas and Deedra more about their mission
If you're scared and I'm not it's only because I don't know any better, sir. Think nothing of it.
It involves saving a Princess! It's almost as good.
I'll try, but I can't promise I'll do it right.
[Save 1]
Tiny miscalculation. You don't think I can stop the guards. But I know I certainly can't stop full-fledged EllsMiralls clerics.
[Save 2]
If she's laughing it can't be that bad. I got more important things to do.
You don't understand the Knights at all. (No. 3 Truth: Imprisoned Knight Ending)
[Load Save 2]
I better go and see what's happened.
I have to get him out of there.
Let's open the coffin.
[Save 3]
Because I don't want to be anybody's sidekick.
If I understand your question right, then it's a ridiculous question.
I became a Knight of Utrecht because I believe that as a Knight, I can make things better.
Rules say I've got to challenge them first.
(Ssssh, don't draw their attention back to you)
[Save 4]
The rules of the Knights say it makes no difference. (No. 5 Carving: Novice Knight Ending)
[Load Save 4]
Yes. Yes, I do want to know. (No. 7 Mission Complete: Tainted Knight Ending)
[Load Save 3]
Because you are not a Knight of Utrecht.
Do we really have time for this conversation?
Rules say I've got to challenge them first.
(Ssssh, don't draw their attention back to you)
Yes. Yes, I do want to know. (No. 6 Defeat: Fallen Knight Ending)
[Load Save 1]
Will you be okay?
If she's laughing it can't be that bad. I got more important things to do.
You don't understand the Knights at all. (No. 4 Run!: Rogue Knight Ending)
[From the beginning]
Where are you from?
Stop them!
[Save 5]
Tell Douglas and Deedra about the stranger (No. 1 Wait: Faithless Knight Ending)
[Load Save 5]
Ask Douglas and Deedra more about their mission
Yes, Captain.
You think i should somehow force him to use his magic powers so Douglas and Deedra will know where he is.
It's kind of a comfort to know they are around. Just in case
Proving your accusation is groundless is even better than fighting zombies.
Why don't YOU try to pick the lock?
Tiny miscalculation. You don't think I can stop the guards. But I know I certainly can't stop full-fledged EllsMiralls clerics.
I better go and see what's happened.
I have to get him out of there.
Let's look for the Princess. (No. 2 Game Over: Unlucky Knight Ending)
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