Title: Depraved Awakening
Release date: 2018-11-24
Developer & publisher: Philly Games
When you go exploring the dark and seedy underworld of Patreon-funded visual novels, you more keenly than ever start appreciating the Sturgeon's Law. The wast majority of these VNs range from terribad to merely mediocre in quality, with a few good ones with potential hidden here and there. Finding an excellent VN on Patreon is, well, not impossible, but certainly hard enough. I won't be dragging my assessment of Philly Games' visual novel "Depraved Awakening" until the end of the review - rather I will tell you straight away: It's one of the best, if not the best original English language visual novel I have ever had the pleasure of playing. So, here's them apples.
Oppaidius: Summer Trouble! Review
Title: Oppaidius: Summer Trouble!
Release date: 2018-11
Developer & publisher: SbargiSoft
A while ago an Italian dude named Vittorio (most likely no relation to a certain vampire... most likely) ran a Kickstarter campaign for a short visual novel that banked on the nostalgia for the old school 90's graphics and sound in order to succeed. Surprisingly it worked, which is just showcasing why pixel graphics games are so popular nowadays. Moreover, he used as bait his pledge to hire actual Japanese composers from the appropriate time period to work on some tracks.
Release date: 2018-11
Developer & publisher: SbargiSoft
A while ago an Italian dude named Vittorio (most likely no relation to a certain vampire... most likely) ran a Kickstarter campaign for a short visual novel that banked on the nostalgia for the old school 90's graphics and sound in order to succeed. Surprisingly it worked, which is just showcasing why pixel graphics games are so popular nowadays. Moreover, he used as bait his pledge to hire actual Japanese composers from the appropriate time period to work on some tracks.