Title: Taimanin Murasaki ~Kunoichi Kugutsu Dorei ni Otsu~
Original title: 対魔忍ムラサキ~くノ一傀儡奴隷に堕つ~
Alias: Taimanin Murasaki: Corrupting into a Female Ninja Dummy Slave
Release date: 2008-10-24
English release date: 2015-04-15
Developer: Black Lilith
Publisher: Rattan Man Translations (as a fan-patch)
"Taimanin Murasaki" is one of the famous visual novels from Black Lilith Taimanin series. In fact, not counting the side stories, it is the third entry in the series, which centers around the demon hunting ninjas. Actually, the first title in the series "Taimanin Asagi" is also known under the alias "Anti-Demon Ninja Asagi".
Taimanin Murasaki Walkthrough
This is a 100% walkthrough for "Black Lilith" nukige "Taimanin Murasaki". The game has been translated into English by Rattan Man Translations and the walkthrough is based on that translation.
Village of Nightmare 2 Review
Title: Village of Nightmare
Release date: 2015-11-15
English release date: 2016-05-08
Developer: akuoti
English publisher: Rand (as a fan-standalone)
I'm happy that the developers of the original "Village of Nightmare" game didn't forget the little gem they created and decided to come back to the setting and create a proper sequel. So many games do not tap the full potential of their settings, thus it's heartening to see that VON universe wasn't set aside for some other projects.