Title: Phantom
Renamed to "Phantom: Revenge" on 2017-10-21
Release date: 2016-10-31
Developer & publisher: Anaximanes
After being deeply fascinated by Anaximanes' first interactive novel "Slugs and Bugs", it would have been unconscionable for me not to play his second effort "Phantom" - a Halloween themed game that was, very fittingly, released on Halloween.
Slugs and Bugs Review
Title: Slugs and Bugs
Renamed to "Slugs and Bugs: Invasion" on 2017-10-21
Release date: 2016-03-26
Developer and publisher: Anaximanes
I'm so glad for my recent run in with interactive fiction novels by Anaximanes. I have never heard of him before, even though "Slugs and Bugs" is almost a year old, but I'll be sure from now on to check on his progress once in a while. As if the title wasn't an indication, "Slugs and Bugs" (let's call it S&B, from now on) belongs to the squick sub-genre of erotic mind control fiction.
Orc Castle Review
Title: Fuu'un! Orc Castle ~Chijoku no Hatsujou Ikusaotometachi
Original title: 風雲!オークキャッスル ~恥辱の発情戦乙女達
Release date: 2014-12-26
English release date: 2016-09-02
Developer: a Matures
English publisher: MangaGamer
"Orc Castle" is an eroge of an unusual genre - a tower defence. It is a pretty short and simple title, which is not exactly a surprise, considering it was originally released by 'a Matures' - a company specializing in short and cheap titles.
Original title: 風雲!オークキャッスル ~恥辱の発情戦乙女達
Release date: 2014-12-26
English release date: 2016-09-02
Developer: a Matures
English publisher: MangaGamer
"Orc Castle" is an eroge of an unusual genre - a tower defence. It is a pretty short and simple title, which is not exactly a surprise, considering it was originally released by 'a Matures' - a company specializing in short and cheap titles.
eden* Review
Title: eden*
Release date: 2009-09-18
English release date: 2015-01-30
Developer: minori
English publisher: MangaGamer
I kinda neglected my blog for the last few months, so now I feel it's time to return with a review of eden* - one of the better known kinetic novels to the English visual novel fans. The now nigh forgotten controversy regarding its publisher 'minori' might have something to do with it, or maybe it's just because they had a taste of the fanlated trial and then were left hanging dry for five long years, before MangaGamer finally brought the fully translated game to the West.