Title: VR Date - Gogatsu Club
Original title: V.R.デート 五月倶楽部 or メイクラブ
Alias: VR-DATE Simulator May-Club
Release date: 1995-08-25 (original release)
2001-05-12 (DX Edition)
English release date: 1999-05 (original release)
2003-03-21 (Milky House Memorial Collection)
2010-12-12 (DX Edition)
2012-06-28 (JAST USA Memorial Collection Special Edition)
Developer: Desire
English publisher: RCY America & Milky House (original release)
JAST USA & Milky House (Milky House Memorial Collection)
JAST USA (JAST USA Memorial Collection Special Edition)
ViLE Project (DX Edition) (as a fan-program/loader)
I believe it would be prudent to review another of eroge classics available in English – “May Club”. This is one of the old visual novels I have never played before. Actually, I did download “May Club” together with a few other VNs more than a decade ago, however I failed to understand how to play it, got bored and dropped it after about an hour. What do you want from me? When I was fifteen I had an attention span of a goldfish and a patience of a bull in heat.
Nocturnal Illusion Review
Title: Mugen Yasoukyoku
Original title: 夢幻夜想曲
Alias: Nocturnal Illusion
Release date: 1995-04-21 (original release)
1998-11-27 (Renewal Edition)
English release date: 1998-04-15 (original release)
2003-03-21 (Milky House Memorial Collection)
2011-01-14 (Renewal ViLE Edition)
2012-06-28 (JAST USA Memorial Collection Special Edition)
Developer: Apricot
English publisher: RCY America (original release)
JAST USA & Milky House (Milky House Memorial Collection)
JAST USA (JAST USA Memorial Collection Special Edition)
ViLE Project (Renewal Edition) (as a fan-program/loader)
This time I will review a timeless classic of visual novel world – “Mugen Yasoukyoku”, better known in the west as “Nocturnal Illusion”. It was one of the first Japanese H-VNs released in the occidental territories. Published by “RCY America” that died after releasing only two visual novels, it developed a surprising cult following, despite being a work of completely unfamiliar genre to many people.